ART Season's Greetings 2023

Dear customers, partners and friends,

Are you always amazed at how quickly time flies? The old year is almost over again. But the new one is waiting around the corner!

What remains is a grateful and thankful look back at what we have achieved together.

Right at the beginning of 2023 we were delighted to announce that Robert Scheibe, our long term Hardware Director, had been promoted to the role of CTO in ART General Management. With another young and creative head we are well equipped for the future! 🙂

For us, 2023 has been a significant year due to the positive feedback and customer acceptance of our Tool Tracking Technologies. They are a helpful solution to optimize assembly processes and thus help save our customers time and money.

Additionally we have been very busy developing our new ARTTRACK flagship camera, the AT7-80, which was launched in October and is now discovering the world. AT7-80 will allow highly accurate tracking in very large volumes, and we wish it a happy journey in 2024: show your skills to everybody out there!

Of course our hard- and software engineers haven't paused enhancing and further developing helpful and valuable features and add-ons to our existing and new products that can't wait to be presented in our next TECHDAY event planned for 2024. Stay tuned!

But now it's time to THANK YOU for your consistently pleasant cooperation and your continued trust in ART. It is always an honor and a pleasure to work with you!

We wish you and your family a healthy and peaceful Christmas and a lively start to 2024.

Enjoy our collage with some ART impressions of 2023.

Your ART team