Automobilmontagelinie mit Arbeitern: Produktionsprozess, bei dem VERPOSE von großem Nutzen sein kann


Production processes are complex and error-prone. So for a most efficient and smooth course you need to survey and control your work steps thoroughly. We at Advanced Realtime Tracking offer diverse technologies to control and optimize these processes:

Our marker-based optical tracking systems track the position of a tool. For instance, it determines where the tool is being used in the assembly process. A seperate application software notes the correct positions of the tool on the work schedule.

Ou markerless object detection solution CAPTA works with a camera system that views the assembly area. It detects and documents the position of a tool and tracks it. The best part of all: CAPTA also identifies work points even in hidden places.

Our localisation solution VERPOSE is a camera based system for hand-held assembly tools. Its intelligent image analysis software detects pre-defined assembly positions instantly. Even more: The application software can ensure that assembly sequences will be correctly performed.

Our three technologies can also be combined! As you can see: You can optimize your production steps and avoid mistakes with our sophisticated technologies!

 Improved process assurance and cost savings through:

  • Higher process reliability and minimization of errors in the assembly process.  
  • Reduction of rework rate.
  • Prevention of defects and thus greater flexibility of time for the worker.
  • The test setup is straightforward. Quick and easy training.
  • The modular systems can be adapted to a wide range of industrial requirements.

use cases

Tool Tracking in the production environment, application with CAPTA

Tool Tracking Technologies by ART

Do you already benefit from Tool Tracking systems in your production process? Are you aware of how valuable they can be, because they can optimize your assembly sequences and thus save you time and money?

University of Kassel, Germany

OPtical tracking for ergonomic analysis

ART systems support the human-robot-interaction laboratory of the Human-Machine Systems Engineering department at the University of Kassel, Germany.

University of Aachen, Germany

Optical tracking in huge VR installations

The main objective behind RWTH Aachen University's latest CAVE installation was to interactively visualize data from science and engineering by means of virtual reality methods. Scientists should be enabled to move in the field of operation and virtually explore their data.

University of Dresden, Germany

optical tracking in the construction machinery industry

The Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden), Institute for Construction Machines and Conveying Technology, is doing research in simulation applications and Virtual Reality for the construction machinery industry.

Wichita State University, USA

Largest reconfigurable FLEX immersive visualization system ever

Wichita State University’s (WSU) National Institute for Aviation Research partnered with Dassault Systèmes and Mechdyne Corporation to custom design, build, and install the largest reconfigurable FLEX immersive visualization system ever deployed by Mechdyne.

IfM Chemnitz, Germany

Motion Capture with IFM's human model software Dynamicus

As a non-profit industry-oriented research facility, the Institute of Mechatronics (IfM) is active in the field of the simulation of the dynamics of mechatronic systems and human-machine interactions.

The following ART products were used for the above solutions

ARTTRACK5 in use


Industry standard for immersive 3D applications

The next generation of our ARTTRACK camera family comes with higher frame rate and resolution, as well as increased flexibility for all motion tracking applications.

Measurement Tool

For high precise point measurements

The ART Measurement Tool is a pointing device for measurement applications. In this specialized field it is very important to measure positions of points with a high degree of accuracy.

Motion Capture

Digitizing of Movements

Motion Capture ("mocap") is the technique of digitizing the movement of people, animals or objects. In the case of the ART Motion Capture system, markers are attached to the subject’s limbs and can be worn over normal clothes (no need for lycra…


Many geometries, also customized

Targets consists of several markers (minimum 4), and will give the 6DOF (degrees of freedom). Besides our numerous standard models, we also offer customized developments.