ART's small cameras are optimized for tracking inside limited spaces, such as cockpits

Simulations & Training

In many areas of life, computer-aided simulations have become indispensable: Products are tested without building a prototype, operation of devices is trained, without a trainer or without the device. Even group training with people in different places only connected by the network are possible.

When manufacturers frontload their development with simulation and thus reduce the need for physical testing, “X-in-the-loop” (XIL) is an enriching approach: By tapping in to the efficiency savings of virtual testing as much as possible, but adding ‘real’ elements where they play a critical role. Thus XIL facilitates earlier testing, which in turn means faster development.

Modern DIL (driver-in-the-loop) simulators are an increasingly important tool in the toolbox because they allow real people – the end users – to interact with proposed systems.

Wherever the exact position of people or objects has to be measured reliably and accurately in real time, ART's devices are in use.

For head tracking in flight and driving simulators, we're often asked why an ART optical motion tracking system is necessary at all when current IMU technology can seemingly track user's head position on its own.
The issue is that for 6DOF tracking (i.e. orientation and position) IMUs use a fixed average head position, meaning that person in a seat fixed with a seat belt can more or less only rotate his head, which of course can be fine up to a point. However, an optical motion tracking system such as our SMARTTRACK (mounted above the instrument panel) provides consistent and accurate 6DOF positional tracking, capturing the exact location of the pilot’s head in space and adjusting naturally for variations in head height or position relative to the cockpit without any need for manual recalibration. This ensures that each pilot sees the virtual environment from their own natural perspective. 

Additionally, optical tracking does not suffer from the inaccuracies caused by IMU "drift" even when pilots of different heights repeatedly use the system. Since the optical system cameras track pre-calibrated targets (typically mounted on the HMD), positional accuracy is maintained over time, ensuring that taller or shorter pilots do not experience errors in tracking due to accumulated errors. 

The result: enhanced immersion, consistent accuracy and more realistic training scenarios

use cases

Virtual Training center “The Reef” to strengthen the blue economy

Our partner Imsys has integrated a VR cave supported by ART Tracking.

Varjo HMD with ART targets

ART and Head Mounted Displays (HMDs)

It is essential that a fully immersive Virtual Reality experience should be both accurate and comfortable to use. When merging with real-world objects, VR representations have to precisely match reality.

Mechdyne installation on a curved crystall LED wall by Sony, for aerospace simulations

Ingenuity on display - Aerospace simulation by our partner Mechdyne

A first-of-its-kind 3D visualization & simulation environment for the aerospace industry

Greater Manchester ART tracking cameras installed

Data Visualization Observatory to track COVID-19 infections

Alliance MBS Observatory launches platform to track Covid-19 levels in Greater Manchester, using ART tracking

ART and Full Motion Simulator

Looking for a compact, easy to use and neat tracking device for your space-limited simulation application?

ArianeGroup, France

Ariane 6 is propelled into the virtual world

...supported by ART Motion Capture.
Subject to commercial constraints, ArianeGroup now massively uses virtual reality to shorten the design times for its launchers.

Mimbus, France

AR for woodworking workers

WOOD-ED TABLE is a project initiated by AFPA, the French association for adult apprenticeship. AFPA asked MIMBUS to create a virtual training solution to simulate the stationary cutting and forming machines.

Grohe, Singapore

Optical Tracking inside of the shower cabin

Grohe, the "world’s leading provider of sanitary fittings", has opened its first flagship showroom in Singapore’s, Shaw Centre.

PICOM, France

The future of retail goes VR

PICOM is presenting its brand new Shopping Innovation lab in a 900 m² building of Eurotechnologies in Lille, France.
October 12, 2015, was D-day for PICOM, the French ‘Industries of Commerce Competitiveness Cluster’.

The following ART products were used for the above solutions


Our tracking software for any VR/AR application

All ART systems have been designed around an integrated and adaptable architecture that provides reliable and accurate motion tracking for immersive projection systems, wide area HMD tracking and many other VR applications.


Always the right position

VERPOSE® is a camera-based system for hand-held assembly tools (electrical screwdrivers, riveting tools, clinching pliers, filling devices and other special tools).
The camera is mounted on the tool and observes the assembly position.

ARTTRACK5 in use


Industry standard for immersive 3D applications

The next generation of our ARTTRACK camera family comes with higher frame rate and resolution, as well as increased flexibility for all motion tracking applications.


plug & play tracking solution for small volumes

Two tracking cameras and the controller are fully integrated in one housing. When delivered, SMARTTRACK3 is pre-calibrated and may be used immediately. This and its compact size make SMARTTRACK3 the ideal mobile, out-of-the-box…


YOur PLUS for interaction

We have improved our bestseller for interaction Flystick2 with sophisticated details and new features. The interaction device convinces with a re-defined design, provides audio & vibro-tactile feedback and many more exciting features.


vibro-tactile or pure

The Fingertracking device is an add-on to the ART tracking system, which allows you to track the orientation of the hand and the position of the fingers.

Measurement Tool

For high precise point measurements

The ART Measurement Tool is a pointing device for measurement applications. In this specialized field it is very important to measure positions of points with a high degree of accuracy.

Motion Capture

Digitizing of Movements

Motion Capture ("mocap") is the technique of digitizing the movement of people, animals or objects. In the case of the ART Motion Capture system, markers are attached to the subject’s limbs and can be worn over normal clothes (no need for lycra…


Motion capture assistance tool

ART-Human is a tool to assist motion-capture projects. The software uses the information of our highly accurate 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) optical targets to track a human subject. We use 17 ergonomically designed targets which can be worn directly on…

ART Satellite Merger

Tracking inside occluded compartments

Do you need tracking in an occluded compartment inside your CAVE? For example in a closed car body inside the CAVE? Is this occluded compartment even moving during tracking operation?


Many geometries, also customized

Targets consists of several markers (minimum 4), and will give the 6DOF (degrees of freedom). Besides our numerous standard models, we also offer customized developments.


Many versions available

ART provides a variety of different markers and marker types, according to the requirements of each installation: active, passive, small, big, coated, uncoated,...