ART Motion Capture are also available as a hybrid version


Motion capture assistance tool

ART-Human is a tool to assist motion-capture projects. The software uses the information of our highly accurate 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) optical targets to track a human subject. We use 17 ergonomically designed targets which can be worn directly on normal clothing.

Key Features
  • Full inverse kinematics of human skeleton model
  • Simple calibration procedure
  • Use of 6DOF optical tracking targets
  • Fast automatic bone-length-calibration (< 1 min)
  • Numerous third-party software supported, see document "ART Connectivity"
  • Fully compatible with the ART Fingertracking system 

For normal usage the ART-Human model calibrates the length of each limb segment automatically. After the targets have been attached, the fast and straightforward calibration process is started. The user simply moves his arms and legs for around 20 seconds to the full mobility of all joints. The accuracy of the calibration is then evaluated by the software, and the results – the length of each limb and the offset data for the 6DOF targets – are applied to the model.

ART-Human is now ready to send human model data in real-time to your application. We provide our own 6dj format, similar to the Fingertracking hand data format.

It’s also possible to use Fingertracking with ART-Human at the same time. The movement of the human subject is now linked directly in realtime to the manikin in the 3D model.

The following document contains ART connectivity information, including ART-Human interfaces
ART Connectivity

The following additional products fit to this product


Our tracking software for any VR/AR application

All ART systems have been designed around an integrated and adaptable architecture that provides reliable and accurate motion tracking for immersive projection systems, wide area HMD tracking and many other VR applications.

ARTTRACK5 in use


Industry standard for immersive 3D applications

The next generation of our ARTTRACK camera family comes with higher frame rate and resolution, as well as increased flexibility for all motion tracking applications.

ART Controller

Suitable for ART TRACKing systems

The ART Controller is available in a single variant for the housing and it is rack-mountable (19" housing). In case no rack will be available at the customer’s site it’s also possible to place the ART Controller on a table for example –…


YOur PLUS for interaction

We have improved our bestseller for interaction Flystick2 with sophisticated details and new features. The interaction device convinces with a re-defined design, provides audio & vibro-tactile feedback and many more exciting features.


vibro-tactile or pure

The Fingertracking device is an add-on to the ART tracking system, which allows you to track the orientation of the hand and the position of the fingers.

Measurement Tool

For high precise point measurements

The ART Measurement Tool is a pointing device for measurement applications. In this specialized field it is very important to measure positions of points with a high degree of accuracy.

Motion Capture

Digitizing of Movements

Motion Capture ("mocap") is the technique of digitizing the movement of people, animals or objects. In the case of the ART Motion Capture system, markers are attached to the subject’s limbs and can be worn over normal clothes (no need for lycra…


Many geometries, also customized

Targets consists of several markers (minimum 4), and will give the 6DOF (degrees of freedom). Besides our numerous standard models, we also offer customized developments.


Many versions available

ART provides a variety of different markers and marker types, according to the requirements of each installation: active, passive, small, big, coated, uncoated,...