ART TECHDAY 2024: check!


We did it! ART TECHDAY lies behind us, and it leaves us overwhelmed and thankful…

…for many interested visitors
…for inspiring discussions and valuable input for further development steps
…for the support of our partners Varjo, TechViz, xCave and Viz4all
…for our fantastic ART team, including all Family & Friends, who "finally came to find out and experience what ART actually does" ;-)

We had a lot of fun and energy while setting up booths and preparing the demos! Team spirit is just great!

Now it's time to follow up all your questions and input, and to provide you with the requested ppt slides and demo videos. 

Stay tuned, we will come back to you shortly!

Your ART team

TECHDAY highlights

LARGE SCALE TRACKING: one system, multiple applications!

  • What are the advantages of tracking in large areas?
  • Which additional applications are possible?
  • Will more cameras be needed?
  • Can I possibly use several applications in one tracking system?

If you couldn't come along and get the answers at the TECHDAY, contact us here and we will inform you about the benefits of our latest high-premium tracking camera AT7-80.

Further demos

  • See how AT7-80 cameras combined with ART Fingertracking, state-of-the-art display devices such as the LED wall from our partner xCave, TechViz software and the Varjo XR-4 HMD can deliver an unparalleled visual immersive experience. 
  • The trend towards multi-view systems continues unabated. Every ART system is capable of supporting this. You could experience two multiview solutions live.
  • Markerless tracking with CAPTA
    Our CAPTA markerless tracking technology uses advanced computer vision and machine learning algorythms to identify and track objects with no markers required. Objects are detected and tracked based on their features and motion. 
  • Tool Tracking technologies for optimized assembly processes
    Localize your tools and work pieces, document your work steps and avoid errors. The results are improved efficiency, lower costs and increased customer satisfaction.

Thanks to our participating partners

  • Varjo is a world leader in professional-grade VR and XR.
    Founded in 2016, today, Varjo is a supergroup made up of 200+ professionals with the passion, skills and vision to do things most people think are impossible. They focus on delivering the world’s most advanced VR/XR technology to demanding industries such as automotive, aerospace, training and simulation, engineering, research, and more.
  • xCave implement LED-based multiview 3D display systems for complete integration. 
    To do this, they work with the latest technology and components to make LED displays efficient for multiple users for one display surface at the same time. This means impressive colors and deep blacks can be achieved for every user. This has established a new quality of real collaborative VR with our identSystem.
  • TechViz is  a virtual reality software editor with a strong expertise in the fields of virtual reality, 3D visualization solutions, virtual prototyping. The head office is located in Paris where cutting edge technology is developed by R&D experts in computer architecture, 3D rendering and cluster computing. TechViz can rely on a dedicated sales force and distributors across Europe, America, Asia and the Middle East. 

If you have any question regarding any of the above topics, please send us an email to: