Hi there!
My name is Mithilesh Muley. I am ART Sales Manager for the regions Europe, India and Africa. If it comes to topics like Tool Tracking, VERPOSE, HMDs or customized solutions, I am YOUR man!
After having worked in technical development for over 4 years, ART gave me the chance to create a bridge between technical expertise and customer experience. I have been working on various standard projects as well as in many custom VR and tracking system projects. For the last two years, I have been responsible for VR projects in EMEA and India.
Feel free to contact me, I am happy to help you with any of your questions or requirements.
Contact: mm@ar-tracking.de
+49 881 92530 64
+49 176 455 577 68
My LinkedIn profil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mithilesh-muley-5673123a/