New technologies on ART Techday

Review: The first #digital ART TECHDAY

Our first TECHDAY in a digital format was a real success! Not only the high interest right after the announcement with many registrations coming in, but also the creation of a very attractive  demo compilation and finally the good feedback during and after the event!

Our customers' feedback is and always will be a very important and valuable part for our development department. It's crucial to know the requirements and needs of our users so that the benefit of the outcomes may be as high as possible for them.

So still today, after the event, we'd like to continuously encourage you to return your opinion, your questions, your suggestions,...everything is helpful and may in the end help you further in your daily business!

Also for those who couldn't take part: watch our short "TECHDAY impressions video" to get an idea of what the event was about, and in case you should have questions or would be interested to know more about a certain application, please contact us at:

Thanks a lot in advance!